Sunday, June 19, 2016

Blogs vs Wikis

Blogs and wikis are similar because they both are a way that people can post information and have an opportunity to receive feedback. The feedback you can get on blogs is through comments while in wikis a person may edit the page themselves. With blogs you have more control over your page and what you want the world to see where wikis your information can be changed easily. In today's networked world, people come to the internet to receive information and opinions about everyday things. In the article, "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead Drug Raid" by Michael Wilson, neighbors came together to write about suspicious activity happening in their neighborhood. These comments lead to an investigation and arrests. The blog gave these people more strength as they came together to really shed light on these crimes in their area. Wikis are extremely helpful by allowing people in different places to come together to share information collectively. In the article, "How to Use Wikis for Business", "Jean-Noel Simonnet writes, "Our purpose was to share ALL the information, procedures, setup documents, so that we were less dependent on a particular staff member knowledge, so that nobody in the team has any document left in a personal directory."" Wiki is an important tool that allows businesses to converge easily. 
A blog can be used for collaboration by allowing others to guest post on your blog. This allows you to create a topic and see what other people's opinion are. This also allows others to share information about these topics. Wikis are used for education, business, and politics. A new way wikis can be used is to organize information within a business about the duties that have to be done or what has been completed.

1 comment:

  1. I love the example about the Brooklyn residents that used blogs to keep abreast of what was happening in their community. Many neighborhoods would probably be safer if they adopted a similar hands on approach.
